I have found so much love, support and inspiration in the photography community. I feel like in many areas, the older, wiser, more experienced ones tend to "eat their young" so to speak. Not so with this amazing community of artists I have found!! We support each other, cheer each other on and constantly push and inspire each other. I love it!! I had taken a class online at Clickin Moms called the Art of Lifestyle Family Photography with Elena S. Blair. It was a fabulous class and a game changer for my photography journey! I highly recommend it. Out of this class I met Emily, who much to my delight, lived close by in Columbus, Ohio. So I pitched the idea of a family photo session swap. We were both on board and she chose my favorite location at Camper's Beach in Buck Creek State Park in Springfield.
We couldn't have planned a more gorgeous evening, the light was so soft and beautiful. Her family story is amazing and I just hope I was able to their strength and beauty in these photographs! Miss Violet was go go go most of the time, but we caught some sweet Mama and family snuggles along the way. Emily is an amazing photographer! Check out her work out at Emily Dowell Photography and you will be able to see my family through her eyes! Here are some of my favorites from her session.